One by one the children stood by the wall, all lined up and in place for their class photo. It is hard to stand and wait when you are three years old. All you care about is playing and doing what you want, when you want! (I guess not much changes with age!)
Say cheese! Somehow, this word translates across many languages. You would think this word would only work well in WI! All of the children put on the biggest smile they have when I tell them to "say cheese."
After I took the photo and told the children they were done, I dismissed them all to play. They all took off in a million directions, all except one child. Standing by the wall one upset child said, "Mrs. Crystal, you didn't take my picture." I assured here I did. Still unsatisfied she said, "well I didn't see it."
From past experiences she has been able to see the photo immediately after it has been taken. She was unsatisfied that I didn't show her the photo right away. By seeing the photo, she knew I took the picture.
My students rely on immediate digital feedback! This is the only thing they have ever known. They will probably never have to wait to develop film!
That is hilarious- I love it!